1.. What is the frequency of a electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength of 4.55x10^-3m? 1.00x10^-12m?2. An X-ray has a frequency of 1.28x10^18s-. What is the energy of a quantum of the X-ray?3. A 2.00-mL sample of substance A has a density of 18.4 g/mL, and a 5.00-mL sample of substance B has a density of 35.5 g/mL. Do you have an equal mass of Substances A and B?4. Three measurements of 34.5m, 38.4m, and 35.3m are taken. If the accepted value of the measurement is 36.7, what is the percent for each measurement?5. Three measurements of 12.3 mL, 12.5 mL and 13.1 mL are taken. The accepted value for each measurement is 12.8mL. Calculate the percent error for each measurement. 遊戲 網友票選 Young ( 遊戲 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2013-05-24 14:16:41 遊戲 1.頻率 = 光速 / 波長 = c / λ(3 x 10^8) / (4.55 x 10^-3)= 6.5934065934065934065934065934066 x 10^10 Hz(3 x 10^8) / (1.00 x 10^-12)= 3 x 10^8 Hz2.E = h c / λh c = 4.1356673310 x 10^-15 x 3 x 10^8= 1.2407001993 x 10^-6λ = c / f = (3 x 10^8) / (1.28 x 10^18)= 2.34375 x 10^-10E = h c / λ= (1.2407001993 x 10^-6 ) / (2.34375 x 10^-10)= 5.29365418368 x 10^33.質量 A = 2.00 x 18.4質量 B = 5.00 x 35.5質量 A B 不相等434.5 / 36.7 x 100 = 94.005449591280653950953678474114 %38.4 / 36.7 x 100 = 105.20547945205479452054794520548 %35.5 / 36.7 x 100 = 96.730245231607629427792915531335 %5│12.3 - 12.8│ / 12.8 x 100 = 3.90625 %│12.5 - 12.8│ / 12.8 x 100 = 2.34375 %│13.1 - 12.8│ / 12.8 x 100 = 2.34375 % 相關詞: measurement error,measurement scale,measurement 縮寫,measurement model,measurement principle,performance measurement,measurement & automation,measurement studio,hall measurement,measurement m3measurement,mL,electromagnetic wave,measurements,accepted value,frequency,substance,density,lambda 遊戲 其它回答( 0 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) 發表你的評價 你的評價 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 遊戲看另一則問題 馬上按讚加入Yahoo!奇摩知識+粉絲團 多益700分線上測驗題庫 免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 求職履歷英文一次線上搞定 如何不背單字學好英文? LinkedIn社群是啥? 如何用英文闖過面試關? 遊戲[ 英文 ] meausre and measurement的差別 [ 其他 ] 請問什麼是Non-Contact Measurement & [ 英文 ] 化學問題....英文看不懂 [ 物理 ] Hall measurement? 霍爾效應? [ 英文 ] 請用專業用詞來翻譯~感謝 ^^ (贈20點) [ 英文 ] Profilometric 更多 其他回答(0) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) 目前沒有資料 目前沒有資料 遊戲

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